The sixth meeting of the KAPSARC International Council (IAC) was held on the KAPSARC campus on November 11, 2014. Chaired by, Samer AlAshgar, KAPSARC President, the meeting was attended by 12 of the IAC members, the Center's leadership team, directors, and research program directors.The meeting informed IAC members on the Center's progress, including its manpower capacity, research focus, energy workshop series, latest research projects and recently released papers. The three program directors presented overviews on their research areas: Markets and Industry, Policy and Decision Sciences, and Economic Modeling and Analytics. Breakout sessions followed, in which the program directors presented proposed new projects to IAC members, and received their feedback.The final part of the meeting was held in the Research and Office Complex (ROC), followed by a short tour of the ROC by the Saudi Aramco Project Management Team. A welcome dinner in honor of the IAC was held after the meeting.