Despite economic incentives and marketing efforts to increase adoption rates of alternative fuel vehicles such as hybrids and electrics, these vehicles remain under 4% of the total annual sales of light vehicles in the United States. How can policy be designed to align with consumer preferences in order to address these issues?KAPSARC's workshop in Paris on September 16 entitled Drivers of Transportation: Measuring the Impact of Policy on Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles, discussed this and topics such as applying analytical methodologies for understanding consumer behavior, alignment of policy with consumer preferences, and corporate average fuel economy standards in the US.The workshop brought together experts from the Saudi Energy Efficiency Council (SEEC), UCL Energy Institute, International Energy Agency, Strategic Vision, Esri France, Simon Fraser University,, ITS-U.C. Davis, Hyundai Motor Europe, PSA, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), Rand Corporation, MIT, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), and the Department for Transport for the United Kingdom, to name just a few of the contributors.