Using energy more productively will be of critical importance to meet future energy demands and economic growth aspirations. Efforts to become more energy efficient are ongoing in many organizations and nations, yet the benefits that might arise from improved international coordination remain harder to understand and capture.KAPSARC's Energy Productivity workshop Energy Productivity: From Policy Goal to Reality held in Paris on September 17, 2014 explored opportunities for additional coordination and research to support these efforts. Among the topics discussed were lessons learned from local and international policy efforts, energy efficiency opportunities in supply chains, and initiatives to boost energy efficiency investments.Experts were drawn from over ten countries and more than twenty organizations, including the European Investment Bank, United Nations Environment Programme, OECD, International Energy Agency, Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC), Duke University, US Department of Energy, Saudi Arabia's Electricity and Co-generation Regulatory Authority (ECRA), Fudan University, and the Institute for Industrial Productivity.