KAPSARC has been awarded the prestigious LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Homes Certification by the US Green Building Council for all the villas on its campus. In addition, 188 out of the 191 villas received the Gold for LEED certification.The KAPSARC campus achieved two important LEED firsts. It is the first project outside of North America to be awarded a LEED for Homes certification, and also the first large project anywhere in the world to achieve this certification.The President of KAPSARC commented that not only does this certification demonstrate that the Center is acting on its commitment to environmental sustainability, but also that it serves as a role model for other organizations in the region to follow suit. It also proves that the LEED concept is as applicable to the Middle East as to the rest of the world. In particular, LEED specifies very strict limits not only on energy efficiency, but also regarding water use, which is critical to water sustainability in the region.Read More

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